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Power cable

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I have a SynScan AZ 114 GOTO telescope which I got for Xmas, I’m struggling with power, the first Mount didn’t work so I have a new one and bought a Skywatcher 17Ah recharging unlit to power it. I can’t seem to connect and power the unit up. What is the best cable to use and in which socket to power it. I’ve had little chance to use the scope and I’m very keen to get out there. Thanks in advance

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Since you have the equipment in front of you, you are best placed to answer these questions.  It would be an advantage to get a digital multimeter for testing.

Is the 17 AH power tank fully charged? Do you have a connecting cable? (Typically a car cigarette lighter style an one end, plugging into a large round hole on the power tank. The other end is typically a 2.1mm/5.5 mm centre positive, plugging into a small round hole on the mount.)

Is the mount switched on? Typically there is a power switch on it.

Is the cable continuous (no breaks or blown internal fuse)?

If you have no clue about electrics, it might be wise to get help from someone who does.

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