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Lacerta wedge accessories


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Good afternoon after great thought and help from you all here I’m going to go for a Lacerta wedge now I’m going for the base model therefore I need in addition 

T2 nosepiece and T2 visual back bith with male threads does anyone know of somewhere to get these at a later date I say this as funds only allow the purchase of the wedge itself so will get the Adapters and ND3.0 filter bit by bit as funds allow any help appreciated 🙂🙂 many thabks 

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2 hours ago, Carbon Brush said:

Are you buying the 1.25" version Lacerta?
Acording to a quick glance at the 365astronomy site.
The ND3 filter is included. The eyepiece barrel has a T thread.

HTH, David.

I was wondering about the same thing, I'm not sure it's safe to sell this without a nd3 filter.

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I have my wedge in front of me now.

The scope end is a 1.25" male fitting which screws into the main body.

The eyepiece end screws on to the main body.
This part includes the non-removeable ND3 filter.
For your eyepiece there is a brass compression ring with two screws.
Alternatively there is an external thread.

You can see everything is there to start visual or photo viewing.

You may choose to add a solar continuum filter to improve the granualr viewing.
You may choose to add a single polarising filt to modify contrast and light level.
Neither are compulsory fitting. 

Apologies for the awful photo quality.

Enjoy the views!




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On 13/03/2023 at 13:40, Carbon Brush said:

Are you buying the 1.25" version Lacerta?
Acording to a quick glance at the 365astronomy site.
The ND3 filter is included. The eyepiece barrel has a T thread.

HTH, David.

Hi David sorry late getting back to you 🤦‍♂️
yes it is the 1.25” version on the Lacerta site you can buy just the wedge itself without nosepiece and visual back for £100 rather than the £150 for the full set it says on there that it doesn’t include the ND3 filter either though bud but looking at your pictures it seems that it’s either proprietary or it is indeed included I’m wondering whether it’s best now to wait and save up the full amount now though you say that I would hate to waste my only chance at getting a wedge to a filter that you can’t buy lol 

thabks for the quick reply and sorry for my tardy return 

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My 1.25" wedge was bought used with the parts shown in my photo. Though obviously not the camera and eyepiece that I included for illustrative purposes🤣

365astronomy don't offer a 'partial' wedge option. Just the package like that I bought.

As you already have the 'optional extras  I can only add 'Happy solar viewing'.

As I type it is a cloudy night with more cloud forecast daytime tomorrow🤣


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Oh and just to note I already have circular and linear polarisers and a Badder continuum filters and for me with achromats it was a worthy investment 🙂🙂


I can’t wait buddy hoping for some awesome views soon 🙂🙂

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On 13/03/2023 at 17:12, Paz said:

I was wondering about the same thing, I'm not sure it's safe to sell this without a nd3 filter.

I had a similar experience when buying a Lunt solar wedge from TS. The Lunt was in short supply at the time and I was eager to get one and TS were selling them at what appeared to be quite a discount. Upon receiving I realized that it was just the wedge, without the ND3 filter. Thankfully I had the sense to check before using it and bought a Baader ND3 which I fitted myself. So now it's all good, but it could have ended in disaster. I returned to the TS site to read up and sure enough it does state quite clearly that the wedge is supplied without the ND3 filter, so it was my own fault for not reading all the item info before placing my order.

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