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Heart Nebula, my first Mosaic with my Dobsonian


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Given the size of the the Heart Nebula and my 12” DOB’s narrow field of view I needed a 2x2 panel mosaic and I used a fifth panel in the middle for good measure .  Also about 7 total hours of time in two evenings, my longest time on a single target.

Scope: Orion XT12G Goto Dob, automated with NINA

Camera: ASI2600MC, 8 second exposures

Filter: IDAS NBZ

Conditions: Bortle 7, poor seeing, some wind

Software: APP, Star/blur/noiseX, Affinity photo




Edited by Smiller
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3 minutes ago, Vroobel said:

Unbelievable! 😳

You must be tired after each session, there is no chance for a short sleep... 

Well, luckily with NINA, I can get it set up and running and go watch a show and then go to bed and let NINA do all the work!  It captures all night and even makes sure the telescope stays on target, recentering the target if necessary.   I wouldn’t have the patience to sit by the scope on these clod freezing evenings that long!

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