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M42 - short attempt from Bortle 8 and the full Moon and a latitude of 60N


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Took this last night from inner city skies and the full Moon in the sky. Went for a 4 panel mosaic but there is only noise outside the brighter regions, so they are cropped out. Approx 50min integration all considered, with 60s exposures through the Antlia Triband RGB Ultra filter passing Ha, OIII and an additional blue line for star colours.


The colour palette is whatever Siril photometric colour calibration made of it, looks somewhat natural-ish and believable? I don't know, not a proficient nebula processing person myself.

This was pretty much the worst possible imaginable scenario short of it being fully overcast, high wind which the newtonian doesn't like, high cloud so terrible transparency, Bortle 8, Full Moon, target at 20 degrees of elevation. The conditions almost literally could not be any worse, so maybe a little surprised that it turned out into an image in the end.

Can you see Orions belt? Its in the picture below :D. That altar of light  fully lit car park also nicely shines straight inside the open tube, but surprisingly did not cause any issues, flocking is doing its job it looks like.



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10 minutes ago, CCD-Freak said:

The color is quite pleasing....I need to check out that filter.

Great image !!!   Especially when you consider the  short exposure time under such difficult conditions. 


Thanks, if you have PixInsight the spectrophotometric colourcalibration tool in it can do a much better job at colour calibration with odd filters like this one, since you can input the bandpass widths and locations to it. Couldn't do it this time as my trial license just ran out but it worked great with no additional tweaks required on a horsehead and flame image i took with the filter a while back. Overall seems like an easy to use wider bandpass narrowband filter that also looks not so narrowband-ish in the end because it also passes the extra blue.

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This filter looks very interesting since it includes the blue channel.  The star colors look more natural without having to process the stars separately and the nebula color is not orange like it tends to be with some filters .   I just installed Siril to go along with Astroart 8 and I hope to be able to improve my processing skills.   Unfortunately I don't enjoy processing as much as I do image capture so it will require some dedication on my part. 

This filter is going on my "want list". 

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