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Question about the GOTO function on my EQ-5

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Hi fellow forum members. My 1st post, so go easy on me...

I have done the Polaris alignment on my (new to me) EQ-5 motorized mount. But when I then use the GOTO feature on the Synscan controller (either the wired or the wireless version) I can't get my telescope or my digital camera to point to whichever object I have selected to go to. It is always pointing somewhere else. But when I select to put the mount back in the parked position it correctly goes back to that position.
The only way I stand a chance of getting the mount to correctly go to a selected object is to do a two or three star alignment, which takes a lot more time than alignment using Polaris.

My question is, what might I be doing wrong? Am I accidentally skipping a process?

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I take it by Polaris alignment you mean polar alignment?

For a goto ( pointing) to work correctly you need to star align, usually 3 star alignment and to more accurately you center the star the more accurately the targets will be... 

Moving on you can use platesolving software to very accurately point to the target but this is usually done for people deepsky imaging


Enjoy the learning curve, and ask plenty of questions to help you along the journey 


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You have to do a 2 or 3 star alignment each time you use it as well as polar aligning (Polaris).The go to requires this to calculate your scopes alignment with the mount and sky .

Edited by bosun21
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Also check that the DEC axis isn't rotated 180 degrees before you put the scope / camera on the mount.  There are plenty of images that show which way round the motor should be in relation to the home position.  If you are sure you have things the right way then the issue is most probably a polar alignment issue, or you haven't done a two or three star alignment so the synscan unit can work out any alignment errors and correct for it when slewing to targets

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As it is new to you, and you haven't mentioned, two popular problems.

First is the lat/long in setup correct (or near enough) for your location?
Second. Is the date format correct? Mixing months and days is not unknown causing the mount to accurately go to unexpected places!🤬

HTH, David.

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