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Ole Larsen

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Hi. I got my "old" gear Stolen, NEQ6, and Sky watcher 200 pda, and guide gear. ETC. i got it replaced with a EQ6R PRO and a new 200. To make a long story short. After install. and P.A. in sharp cap, i turned the mount over to east. from there it run away i DEC and before i could count to one it was turned one hole turn, pulling wires out, an stops. Back to the store where it come from.

Short. the motherboard was gone. It came bak with a new. So far so good.

I then run the hole setup, and setup a session at 80 lights in 240 sec. Halfway it made a meridian flip, refocused, found a new guidestar, and went on the session. 3/4 in, i got a message i NINA, "mount not connected". controlled the wiring was ok, and try to reconnect. Then ASCOM came up and show "port not available" Sjejse.  Back to dealer.

2. times in a row.  Anyone have problems with the EQ6 R, or dit i just get a "monday mount" ???


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What a horror story, both the loss in the first place then all this hassle.

Although I have not owned one I can't say I have seen any threads on SGL in past few years regarding this.
If this is new from a reputable dealer then I would be making a note of any serial numbers and demanding a new replacement. I  am not sure they are legally bound to replace with new but any decent dealer would do so.


Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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18 hours ago, Ole Larsen said:

Hi. I got my "old" gear Stolen, NEQ6, and Sky watcher 200 pda, and guide gear. ETC. i got it replaced with a EQ6R PRO and a new 200. To make a long story short. After install. and P.A. in sharp cap, i turned the mount over to east. from there it run away i DEC and before i could count to one it was turned one hole turn, pulling wires out, an stops. Back to the store where it come from.

Short. the motherboard was gone. It came bak with a new. So far so good.

I then run the hole setup, and setup a session at 80 lights in 240 sec. Halfway it made a meridian flip, refocused, found a new guidestar, and went on the session. 3/4 in, i got a message i NINA, "mount not connected". controlled the wiring was ok, and try to reconnect. Then ASCOM came up and show "port not available" Sjejse.  Back to dealer.

2. times in a row.  Anyone have problems with the EQ6 R, or dit i just get a "monday mount" ???


Problem is the connection errors can be software related.  There have often been posts where EQMOD works but GSS or / and NINA fails or randomly drops connection or vice versa.  Strange to hear that the original mainboard failed and caused a runaway in DEC.  Again, all the mainboard does is work out how many steps of the motor is needed to move from one position to another, so again it could have received incorrect data from the software.

Maybe try older software such as EQMOD and Cartes du Ciel to handle the selection of targets and see if you get similar connection issues.  You may need to remove or disable NINA / GSS depending if they start running as a service when the PC is powered up.

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Astro equipment is very sensitive to the quality of USB ports too. I always run my mount on a cable straight from the PC to the mount, never through a hub. The only hub I truly trust is my Pegasus Power Box Advance, which is the first one I've used that has supported even the fussiest pieces of kit.

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