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new camera 1st image


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I have acquired a ZWOASI385MC, and this is the first picture taken with it on Monday 30th . Captured with sharp cap, Using the  C8 at F10. No idea which area this is though 😁

Exposure 77

Gain  33

Does this sound about right?

Processed using PIPP, registax and finally PS

Not as impressive as your efforts, but its first go with this camera and software

Thanks for looking. Of course improvement suggestions welcome




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Seems okay. Focus a little soft but I suspect it's rather the seeing which is doing it. The best images take lots of images, then stack a small percentage of them in autostakkert or a program like it. Easy to learn how to do.

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I typically take 2000-5000 frames per shot when doing planetary type imaging. Then stack around 10 percent.

For planets specifically you'll have to research as you're only supposed to do it in batches so the rotation of the planet doesn't get captured within a batch which ends up blurring the stack.

Edited by Elp
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