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Skywatcher 127 goto

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Hey, anyone using or used one of these? 

Thinking of adding one to the collection.  What would the planet views be like ? 

Options are , buy this or spend the money on a few more DeLites for the Dob 


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I don't have one of these, but what I would ask myself if I were looking at buying one is 'what does it offer that the dob doesn't?'

I don't know what dob you have, but the scope in your post offers portability and convenient use. If that appeals, then buying it would be fine. If not, then don't buy.

What focal length is your dob? Probably not that much different from the Skymax. If the Skymax were to be your only telescope, then it would be perfect for planetary and lunar.

I think if it were my money, I'd get some more Delites.

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Dobsonians are good if your garden does not have high fences or bushes.They are situated on the ground The Maksutov on a tripod can give a better vantage point for viewing higher up. Maksutov's are designed for planetary observations and some smaller deep sky objects.

Edited by Grump Martian
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I have the Skymax 127 on the earlier version of this mount (with a handset rather than WiFi, but otherwise identical). It was my first scope and it does a great job on smaller targets such as the Moon and Planets, and on smaller DSOs. The maximum field of view is 1° and at F11.8 it is suitable for higher magnifications (the F number increases as you add to the optical path length so it's easy to get up to F15+).

I still use it for smaller targets but now also have a short FL refractor for widefield and a 6" Newtonian. The Newtonian is probably a better all rounder, but I still prefer to sit down at the Mak with its diagonal and have the eyepiece case at my feet. With the Newtonian I'm perched on a stool and can't reach eyepieces on the ground so they are on a garden chair which requires me to stand up to fetch them.

The mount is basic but good and remains my only mount. It can handle loads up to 5kg and I just get away with mounting my Explorer 150PDS on it. It's more than adequate for the Skymax 127 and for smaller refractors.


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Do you only have a Dob at the moment? So would this be your first universal mount?

I've been thinking about whether I would still buy this mount as my only universal mount. I think possible I would, but the AZ GTi or AZ GTiX may be better options. The Skymax 127 is also available packaged with the AZ GTi, for more money (£549 at FLO).

Both the AZ Go2 and the AZ GTi are rated at 5kg and both connect via WiFi. The main difference I think is that with the AZ Go2 the scope mounts over the center of the tripod which is good for balance but can limit the altitude, whereas with the AZ GTi the scope mounts outboard of the tripod. With the Skymax 127 and my 72mm refractor I can point the scope vertically, but I'm limited to 70° with the Explorer 150 as its length means it will touch the tripod legs.

AZ mounts rated above 5kg are very much more expensive.


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