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Westerhout 63 and its surroundings in Cygnus


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This is a busy area in Cygnus with both bright and faint delicate nebulosity, near Deneb, one of the brightest stars in the sky (the big one down to the right in this image). It took some taming of Deneb in processing to allow the extremely faint centerpiece, the very large supernova remnant Wetserhout 63 to come through. There are four Sharpless objects in the image, more LBNs and LDNs than I could count, and also the Propeller Nebula that has been missed by the famous catalogues.

Over the last year or so I have been coming back to this area with my Samyang 135 and RASA 8, now all sitting together. When I a few days ago caught this wide field image with the Samyang 135 I thought I could use it as a nice frame to bring all the RASA8 images together, totally around 50 hours of f/2 data. So this image is a symbiosis of Samyang and RASA8 data.

20221218 Propeller SY135 PS19smallSign.jpg

Edited by gorann
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