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Weird artifact on picture


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I was processing yesterday's images in narrowband around the Horsehead Nebula, and I noticed this weird artifact in the stacked image


Initially I thought it was an actual object, with some weird colouring effect due to the palette, but checking other images or star maps didn't show anything for that region of sky.

It's present on all the images for the night (from around 8pm to 4am), with all filters, but predominantly on OIII, so it's definitely not something transient (airplane, satellite, etc). It's also not a spec of dust, as it would show in a fixed position instead after meridian flip rather than moving with the stars:


But it does seem to move around a little bit, given the result on the stacked OIII image:


The shape on a single frame is quite odd as well. It's also fairly small, using the "reflection calculator" tool it would look like a reflection that size would be from something between 1 and 2 mm from the sensor. 




Being this small it's quite easy to edit out, but I'm really puzzled as for what this might be. Any idea?








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Filter refraction/reflection? If you were dithering this may also explain its shape in the stack. I would suggest it might be stray light entering your scope, stray light and filters produce very strange results, even if it's taking in stray light glow which is illuminating nearby air (rather than hitting the scope directly).

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