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How do I process deep sky images in GIMP?

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Answer according to the terrifying Chat GPT AI:

To process deep sky images in GIMP, you can use a few different techniques to enhance the contrast and clarity of the image. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Adjust the levels or curves of the image to improve the contrast. You can do this by going to "Colors" and then selecting "Levels" or "Curves" from the menu.

2. Use the "Noise Reduction" filter to reduce noise and improve the overall quality of the image. You can find this filter in the "Filters" menu.

3. Use the "Unsharp Mask" filter to sharpen the details in the image. You can find this filter in the "Filters" menu.

4. Use the "Selective Color" tool to adjust the colors in the image and make them more vibrant. You can find this tool in the "Colors" menu.

5. Use the "Dodge" and "Burn" tools to further enhance the contrast and detail in the image. You can find these tools in the "Tools" menu.

6. Save your changes and export the processed image.

These are just a few examples of the techniques you can use to process deep sky images in GIMP. Experiment with different tools and settings to find the best way to enhance your images.

Edited by Ags
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I did a control question to see how it would answer for other kinds of photos. Not only different advice, but also advice written in a different style for less advanced users...

"How do I process wedding photos in GIMP?"

To process wedding photos in GIMP, you can follow these steps:

Open the photo in GIMP by going to File > Open and selecting the image file from your computer.

Use the crop tool to trim the photo to your desired size and composition. You can access the crop tool by going to Tools > Transform Tools > Crop or by pressing the C key on your keyboard.

Adjust the brightness and contrast of the photo using the Levels tool. You can access the Levels tool by going to Colors > Levels or by pressing Ctrl + L on your keyboard.

Use the clone tool to remove any blemishes or unwanted objects from the photo. You can access the clone tool by going to Tools > Paint Tools > Clone or by pressing the C key on your keyboard.

Use the dodge and burn tools to add depth and dimension to the photo. You can access these tools by going to Tools > Paint Tools > Dodge/Burn or by pressing the O key on your keyboard.

Use the smudge tool to smooth out any rough edges or skin imperfections. You can access the smudge tool by going to Tools > Paint Tools > Smudge or by pressing the R key on your keyboard.

Save the edited photo by going to File > Export and choosing a file format and location to save the image.

Keep in mind that these are just basic steps for processing wedding photos in GIMP, and there are many other tools and techniques you can use to improve your photos

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I can officially be switched off, disassembled and recycled now.

Question: "Write a one page introduction to a book about deep sky objects called "Discovering Deep Sky Objects II". The book covers the whole sky with two charts per season at declinations 45°N, 10°N, 10°S and 45°S, with two additional charts for the circumpolar regions. The book covers 382 deep sky objects, and gives location, finding instructions and details about each object. The DSOs of the book include nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, variables and carbon stars."

Answer from Chat GPT:

Discovering Deep Sky Objects II is a comprehensive guide to exploring the wonders of the night sky. With over 380 deep sky objects to discover, this book offers a wealth of information for amateur astronomers of all levels.

The book is organized by season, with two detailed charts per season at declinations 45°N, 10°N, 10°S, and 45°S. In addition, two additional charts are included for the circumpolar regions. Each chart includes clear and detailed information on the location and appearance of the deep sky objects, as well as finding instructions to help you locate them in the sky.

The deep sky objects covered in the book include a wide range of fascinating objects, including nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, variable stars, and carbon stars. For each object, the book provides detailed information on the object's characteristics and history, as well as tips for observing and photographing it.

Whether you're a beginner looking to explore the night sky for the first time, or an experienced amateur astronomer looking to add to your observing list, Discovering Deep Sky Objects II is the perfect companion for your journey of discovery. With its clear and comprehensive coverage of the night sky, this book is sure to provide endless hours of enjoyment and learning for anyone interested in the beauty and mystery of the deep sky.

Edited by Ags
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Tell the story of Red Riding Hood in the style of a Dalek.

Chat GPT answers:


Red Riding Hood is a human. She is weak and insignificant. She carries a basket of food to her grandmother's house. She is unaware of the danger that lurks in the woods.

The Dalek stalks her. It is superior. It is a warrior of the Daleks. It will show no mercy.

Red Riding Hood is foolish. She does not see the Dalek. She is distracted by the beauty of the woods. She picks flowers and sings to herself.

The Dalek approaches. It is time to destroy. It raises its weapon arm. It prepares to fire.

But the Dalek is too slow. Red Riding Hood hears a noise. She turns and sees the Dalek. She screams and runs.

The Dalek chases her. It is relentless. It will not stop. It will exterminate all in its path.

But Red Riding Hood is clever. She reaches her grandmother's house and slams the door shut. The Dalek crashes into the door, but it is too strong. The Dalek cannot break through.

Red Riding Hood is safe. The Dalek is defeated. It retreats, vowing to return and finish the job.

But for now, Red Riding Hood is victorious. She has survived the encounter with the Daleks. She is a hero. EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!

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A-ha... so the wolf is in the Dalek's clothing! 😉

BTW @Ags I have downloaded your books to my iPad. They are amazing.
Thank you for all the hard work and sleepless nights that you have put into them. :icon_salut: 

Edited by Philip R
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I tried different styles. In the Klingon version  Chat GPT writes that the wolf challenges Red Riding Hood to single combat and she triumphs. In the Hobbit version the wolf is defeated by a riddle (but Chat GPT failed to write a riddle - the hobbit just makes a factual statement and the program calls it a riddle).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Write a Star Trek script where the USS Enterprise is crewed by puppies.

Chat GPT answers:

Puppy Crewed Enterprise Saves Barkon


Captain BARKER, a golden retriever, sits in the captain's chair, barking orders to the rest of the puppy crew.

BARKER: Status report, Mr. Spot!

MR. SPOT, a Dalmatian, sits at the science station, wagging his tail as he speaks.

MR. SPOT: Captain, we're receiving a distress signal from the planet Barkon. It seems there's a group of vicious cats attacking their settlement.

BARKER: Set a course for Barkon, maximum warp!

CHIEF MUTTLY, a mixed breed, is at the helm, barking excitedly as he inputs the coordinates.

CHIEF MUTTLY: Aye aye, Captain!

The Enterprise shakes as it enters warp speed.


BARKER and the rest of the puppy crew, including LT. POOCH, a Beagle, and ENSIGN FIDO, a Cocker Spaniel, stand on the transporter pad.

BARKER: Let's go save those Barkonians, team!

The puppies bark in excitement as they beam down to the surface of Barkon.


The puppies run through the streets, barking and growling as they take on the cats attacking the settlement.

BARKER: Don't let those felines get the upper paw!

The puppies use their quick thinking and teamwork to defeat the cats and save the Barkonians.

BARKONIAN LEADER: Thank you, brave puppies of the Enterprise. We are forever in your debt.

BARKER: It's all in a day's work for the crew of the USS Enterprise.

The puppies bark happily as they beam back up to the ship, ready for their next adventure.

Edited by Ags
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44 minutes ago, Ags said:

Write a Star Trek script where the USS Enterprise is crewed by puppies.

I find result of that exercise very interesting.

This is AI here that we are talking about and it clearly "understands" some concepts and relations and knows how to put them together.

It seems that there is much more in our spoken language and our narrative than meets the eye. Things that we take for granted and never think about is present in "the data".

46 minutes ago, Ags said:

BARKER: Don't let those felines get the upper paw!

For example this bit. AI "understands" the phrase to get the upper hand and that it is OK in the context of narrative to replace hand with a paw given that it is all about puppies. It even uses more formal felines instead of cats as would be in actual script if it were used in a show (somehow AI mapped formality of the term and use of formal terms in situation).

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3 hours ago, Ags said:

The puppies use their quick thinking and teamwork to defeat the cats and save the Barkonians.

But then there's this. It writes a good intro, then it adds one paragraph that more or less reads "The story happens" and then it writes a formulaic conclusion. 

You can push it to expand the story but it just seems to repeat the introduction. If you ask it specific question like asking for ten ways the felines could attack Barkon, then the program gives usable answers. But it can't by itself assemble this information into a real plot.

I do like the naming - Barkon, Mr Spot.

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