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Well, according to spaceweather.com it might be. 

I was keeping an eye out for a view of the sun this morning from before 10am.  At about 11.45 there was a sign of thinning cloud approaching the sun and from 11.55 to 12.08 I managed some views of a lovely spotty sun through the Altair 80 ED-R and a few quick pics. The frame below was the only one I managed showing all five of the spot groups on display. Taken with Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/60 are 200asa.

With frosty conditions coming in the next few days, there should be the opportunity to follow developments.







Edited by paulastro
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1 hour ago, Gonariu said:

Very  Beautiful! I was from a month that I didn't see the sun, as I saw your photograf I have looked it with my acromatic 80/400; if the sun wasn't about to set I would have drawn it!

Hopefully you'll have a chance to do a drawing in the next few days Gonariu.

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