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The continuing beating of a dead horse


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In this case the dead horse being the old Meade LPI. I aquired one a couple years ago when I bought Kepler, my ETX70 AT that I repaired. Has anyone ever figured out how to get one to work on modern computers? I've read the old post on this, but those are pretty old. Hoping someone has since found a tried amd true solution. 

Im using an old HP 2000 Notebook with, unfortunately,  Windows 10. I've tried numerous ideas from here ,Cloudy Nights, and other places. I've tried Skycapture, Nebulosity4, Craterlet, Sharpcap, Yawcam, and updated Autostar. Those have worked as well as the original Autostar or in other words, they didn't.  The only improvement these have had over the original  Autostar is they list the Meade camera in the options in each program. But when chosen they always say the camera can't be connected. Y'all are the camera's last hope before it gets rehomed to the trash bin. 

Thanks for reading my rambling and for any possible help. Fingers crossed.


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