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From the Ghost to Sh2-187 in Cassiopeia


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Eternal clouds have settled here so I started digging in my data bank. This is data from January 2021 that I at the time had given up on since the star-field was overwhelming and framing turned out quite odd. Now equipped with Star XTerminator and Noise XTerminator I had another go at it, and soon realized that there are quite a lot of structures in the area between the well known Ghost and Sh2-187. So I thought it was worth posting, especially since I could not find any other clear images or designations of those central structures. However, the dark nebulosity intruding into much of the image appear to be part of LDN 1306.

Materials and Methods: RASA8 on an iOptron CEM70, and with an ASI2600MC. No filter. 71 x 4 min, so close to five hours. Stacked in PI and processed in PS.

Cheers, Göran



20210115 Sh2-187 RASA panel1 NY PS12smallSign.jpg

Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 15.33.09.png

Edited by gorann
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