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First Mars attemp and more Jupiter


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I took advantage of a rare clear night last night and spent a couple of hours outside.

I did 3 captures of Jupiter at slightly different ISOs and shutter speeds, 3000 frames each (lasting about 2.5mins), then moved on to Mars and did a couple more similar captures there.

I think the Jupiter ones are my best yet of the big J, and I'm pleased that for once the GRS was facing me. When I flick through them on my computer the rotation is readily apparent.

Mars - well it's a tiny image but even with my very basic gear and a bit of fiddling in Registax I think there's at least a little detail there. But I feel like I'm learning.

  • SkyWatcher 900mm/70mm refractor
  • EQ1 mount
  • Canon EOS 450D
  • Svbony eyepiece projection adapter with 25mm eyepiece
  • BackyardEOS, Autostakkert!3, Registax






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