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Nippon Kogaku/Nikon 7x15 micro's


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Today arrived this little pair of 7x15's, 8 degree FoV, in lovely condition and in the mint carry case too



Only downside is its missing an eyecup, but that's an easy fix for me since I have another couple pairs (a 5x15 & 7x15) that aren't in as good condition as these. Everything operates smoothly with nice clear sharp views so they've been well loved prior to coming to me, they are from a collection from an estate clearance.

I was keen to obtain as they're like the ones my aunt in Japan had which sadly mum and her sisters gave away as they'd thought they were just toys rather than actually useful. My aunt had used hers to zoom in on parts of a scene she was painting apparently. So while not the ones she'd owned I now have something very close which will remind me of her each time I use them 🙂 

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The last paragraph is very touching.

Before I had my first ever telescope, I used to look forward to visiting my grandparents on my late-mother’s side at the weekend or school holidays. My late-grandfather had a pair of opera glasses. Though they were not perfect for astronomy, they ignited my interest in this hobby and could see a little bit more than with the naked eye.

When I look through my brass eyepiece and WW1 sighting telescope, I sometimes think what was the previous user/owner viewing, whether it be friend or foe.


Edited by Philip R
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32 minutes ago, Philip R said:

The last paragraph is very touching.

Before I had my first ever telescope, I used to look forward to visiting my grandparents on my late-mother’s side at the weekend or school holidays. My late-grandfather had a pair of opera glasses. Though they were not perfect for astronomy, they ignited my interest in this hobby and could see a little bit more than with the naked eye.

When I look through my brass eyepiece and WW1 sighting telescope, I sometimes think what was the previous user/owner viewing, whether it be friend or foe.


I've often thought the same when I get that old vintage 3-inch leather covered scope out too, wonder when it last saw Mars and what the lst owner (who may even have made it) looked at etc. I'd have loved to have had one of my aunt's original micron binos and passed that to my daughter who'd have treasured it also, but sadly wasn't to be. Still she'll inherit a lot of vintage optical gear when the time comes and can share that out with her young ones 🙂 

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