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Limb movement in white light ???


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Good afternoon so a bit of a summary .. I observe practically every day in white light and today for 20 mins had great seeing I normally use a Meade 3000 16mm and get great views of the umbra and penumbra with a continuum filter but today the seeing allowed me to use the 6.7mm Meade and what a view it was not often do I get to use this over the last month however I noticed something rather odd I’m assuming it was the seeing or atmospheric disturbance just wondering if anyone else is experienced this …. So was observing with the 6.7 super sharp contrasts very happy and decided to move around the limb which a agai was super sharp in contrast that is until I went to the southern limb this and only this area today had a strange movement to the limb itself like it was changing in shape and texture somewhat I was observing on axis of the eyepiece so no distortion there went around again and didn’t see anything on the east north or western limbs just the southern it’s hard to describe but looked somewhat like very faint bubbling or movement it wasn’t sharp like the rest of the disc is this just atmospheric disturbance playing tricks or something else ??? Never seen this before and the seeing was good 
clear skies gang 

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It must have been atmospheric. Even in hydrogen alpha, which shows fast moving flares in the solar chromosphere, I’ve only seen real-time movement twice in almost a decade of observing. Even the large prominences you see in most Ha images develop far too slowly for us to see any motion at the eyepiece - not surprising when you consider that they are sometimes as big as 10 earths in height. In the photosphere, movement is slower still - sunspots develop over days. So what you saw must have been atmospheric.

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6 minutes ago, Highburymark said:

It must have been atmospheric. Even in hydrogen alpha, which shows fast moving flares in the solar chromosphere, I’ve only seen real-time movement twice in almost a decade of observing. Even the large prominences you see in most Ha images develop far too slowly for us to see any motion at the eyepiece - not surprising when you consider that they are sometimes as big as 10 earths in height. In the photosphere, movement is slower still - sunspots develop over days. So what you saw must have been atmospheric.

I thought so it was so strange though to only be happening on the southern limb I will watch out for it again though was odd lol thanks though for confirming buddy 

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