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Failed PN hunt but I caught a galaxy


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Dana Patchick has been sending me co-ordinates for blue dwarfs that could indicate possible planetary nebulae. The idea is that my photon-sucking dual-RASA8 rig should be a great tool for finding these faint objects. So far we have had no success, but no one said it should be easy. Here is my latest attempt from Wednesday night. Combined I got 7.3 hours with the RASAs before mist put a stop to it, and my piggybacking Samyang 135 caught 3.7 hours. Unfortunately, there was nothing to be seen around the blue dwarf centrally in the image, but I did catch NGC4236 and a few smaller galaxies.

I am a bit surprised that the galaxy came out so well since the RASA is a wide-field scope, so not much of a hunter for mid-size galazies, especially with a dual-band Ha+Oiii filter (IDAS NBZ) blocking most light

The Samyang also appears to have caught some IFN down in the left corner of its image.

In any case, I am not giving up, Dana has more candidates for me to aim at, and one night.......


Cheers, Göran


The RASA (with ASI2600MC and NBZ filter) image - the probably non-existing should have been centrally in the image:



The Samyang 135 (with Omegon veTEC571C and NBZ filter) image:


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