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My first M51


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First time out last night for a about 2 months... been studying - but have now passed my exam and can relax for 3 years till recertification comes round again!

Anyway.. had a complete nightmare setting up... only the second time I have used WCS, plugged in the LPI into the lappy I built specially for SGL4 (this xps 1710 is too big to take camping!) and no drivers.. so back in unplug the beast and back out.. Got aligned, tried WCS again.. got the first adjustment ok - but the second didnt make sense.. so got as close as I could. Went to plug the camera into the powertank and knocked out the scope power ;) another 10 mins re-aligning!

So an hour and a half being outside I was ready to image... worked out that nebulosity has a focus and frame utility that interacts with the 350D.. so spent a few mins getting that sorted. Realised when I came in that I had left the 6.3 reducer in (could of removed it for this object?) and I used the nebula filter as well.. maybe should of not used this.

Below is the result of 8x60s, 30x45s and 10xdarks ISO 800. Very noisy - but im just glad I got an image! Gonna try again on this object with lots more subs (and possibly longer if i can work out WCS!)


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