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A handful of Messiers


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An unexpected cleas night - but ofcourse at full moon.. I decided to put the scope out and at work on some Messier objects. As I had reconfigured the Esprit to host the Asi 533 for a narrower FOV, to get ready for galaxy season. 

The transparency wasn't that great throughout the entire night, the subs gave away that high clouds were present, lit by the full moon. 

I didn't make any flats, as seen by the same spots in every image. All images were cropped slightly to get rid of the edges.


The collage does show the differences between the clusters, might be a fun project to do all of them one day. (spoiler alert: they won't all fit this FOV)


Esprit 120 with ASI 533 and L-PRO on CEM60 at the home pier. All work done by the asiair pro. Stacking and gradient/LP removal in APP, stretching in PixInsight.




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