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Join me in observing, "The Secret Deep," a deep-sky list by Steve O'Meara


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Having "caught up" with all the objects visible in this season for the Caldwell List, the Herschel 400, and the Hidden Treasures list, would you join me as we work our way through "The Secret Deep," a list of deep-sky objects curated by Stephen James O'Meara? This is a recording of the opening session.


Edited by emeraldhills
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Hello! Join us for back-to-back observing nights. See exactly what I'm seeing through our 11-inch RASA telescope. 

Tomorrow night, Wednesday, Nov. 30th, 10:30pm to 12:30am, find us at https://youtu.be/v_q6pAW8j7I
when we pursue the next 10 objects in Steve O'Meara's Secret Deep list.

Then Thursday night, Dec. 1st, join us from 9pm to 11pm at this link:
when we revisit the Caldwell List for the next 10 objects in that catalog.

Feel free to stop by for just 2 minutes - or stay the entire two hours.
Learn more about our observatory by visiting https://emeraldhillsskies.com/.

You can also view dozens and dozens of past video live-streams at

Thanks for joining us in the EAA journey at Emerald Hills Skies!




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