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ASCOM Platform 6.6 SP1 - ZWO ASI224MC Profile Changes

Ian McCallum

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After a computer crash with Win 10, I put Win 8.1 back into my laptop.  I lost some of my original files, including the previous version of ASCOM Platform.  I've installed v 6.6 SP1, but when I go into the Ascom Camera Chooser and select ZWO, then properties, and after clicking advanced,  The Preset drop down menu no longer has anything other than low, medium and high gain (as well as manual).  I preferred Presets like lowest read noise, highest dynamic range and unity gain.  I know that I could rename the presets, but I preferred the older ASICamera Setup V6.5.22.0.

Any ideas where I can get hold of it, as the ASCOM website doesn't seem to hold older versions?

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