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Waning gibbous taken at daylight (14/09/2022)


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Hi all,

This morning, at about 9 am, I made this capture:


Basically I saw the opportunity (a very clear morning) and decided to give it a go. Also, I wanted to try using imppg with a stacked image, instead of going to registax to play with the wavelets with the sharpened (by autostakkert) version. I quite like how it came out.

The gear:

  • Sky-Watcher HEQ5
  • Sky-Watcher Evoguide 50-ED
  • Optolong 1.25" UHC filter
  • ZWO ASI 224MC

The software:

  • CDC
  • SharpCap
  • Autostakkert
  • The gimp

Thanks for looking,


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