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using ASI 178MM guide camera for lunar?


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Just throwing this out there, I have a 178mm guide cam, 2.4micron pixels, small chip

Could i use this for lunar as the main camera with a GT71 (Normally paired with a 533MC Pro)

I've never used a mono cam for imaging, I assume it is monochrome without filters (luminosity in effect)

The telescope simulator gives me close to a full frame on the moon, I'm assuming the image would be pretty sharp given the resolution

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Monochrome chip like that offers even more flexibility for lunar.
You can use NB filters to suppress seeing effects.

Planetary/Lunar/Solar astrophotography is quite different discipline, so it would be advisable to look up lucky/planetary imaging and how to capture, stack and process such images.

I'd personally use NB filter around 500-550nm (either OIII or Baader solar continuum filter) and about F/9 (x1.5 barlow element).

SharpCap, 5ms or less exposure, try to achieve as best FPS as you can. Use multiple panels that you will stitch later.

That way you can achieve excellent lunar images (and using multiple panels for full lunar disk).

Here is image captured with 102mm Maksutov and ASI178 color model with application of above advice:


(you can right clicky / zoom viewy thingy).

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