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The three faces of Sh2-86, Sh2-87 and Sh2-88


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Third image(s) of the season:blob8:

While aiming at this area in Vulpecula I had my dual-RASA8 rig acquiring RGB (no filter) on one scope and HaOiii (NBZ filter) on the other and then processing it with and without stars (using Star XTerminator). The differences were striking.

Image A shows what it looks like in RGB, with an overwhelming golden star field and with the HA emitting nebulae quite obscured.

Image B shows the starless version of the HaOiii image taken with the IDAS NBZ filter, revealing that behind the stars is a thick mesh of dark nebulosity apparently covering what could be a wide reaching area of Ha emitting nebulae.

In Image C, I combined 75% of the HaOiii data with 25% of the RGB data and added the RGB stars at a suppressed level to still show what was lurking behind. The patch of blue nebulosity at the very left edge with a striking blue star in the centre (if you zoom in) is the planetary nebula LAN 21

I find it quite striking how different celestial objects look when aquired and processed in different ways.



So, two RASA8 with ASI2600MC without or with an IDAS NBZ filter, on a Mesu 200 mount. 61 x 5 min with the NBZ filter and 95 x 3 min without filter, so totally about 10 hours. Processed in PI and PS.


Very happy for comments of course

Cheers, Göran


Here pure RGB - overwhelmed by stars....


Here a starless HaOiii image - a lot of dark nebulosity and dust covering the Ha emitting nebulosity


And my final version of it. HaOiiiRGB. Not an easy task to process and many choices to make.


And an annotated image so you know what you are looking at



Edited by gorann
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