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Sadir Region Widefield


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Shot with my new AM5 last night, SY135 at f2.8 and asi2600mc.

I also shot the Cresent Nebula with my 200PDS at the same time, and will process that later and see how it comes out.

HSO with fake S channel mix.

Not sure if it adds any detail but this time instead of throwing the B away, I stacked the B and G channels, and make that B. My g is 0.6r+0.4b.

I only shot 300 sec subs to try to control Sadir/Sadr which worked ok I think.

That's the first light really for the AM5 since at the weekend I was only using it for planetary. So first test to see how good guiding was. In the end, very impressed - it sat at 0.5"rms all night - not quite as good as my EQ6r-pro on the crescent (0.4"rms), but good enough to not make much difference in the real world. pic of tracking below (spikes are dithering)






Edited by powerlord
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