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Processing Partial Lunar Eclipse (90%)

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Hello......new guy here.   I'm trying to process some photos I took of a partial lunar eclipse last year (got to about 90% full).   the pictures are generally pretty decent for me but i'd love to try to bring out some details in post (stacking, etc).

I've attempted to use PIPP to get some usable files as part of my workflow but i end up getting pink or grey scale outputs .......and they arent useful for next steps.

Has anyone else seen this problem?   Any suggestions on posible fixes?   attached are examples of the shots i have......i bracketed them to try and get over, under and correctly exposed and could have more choice of what or how to process afterwards (which may have been a waste :) ).

was trying to follow this workflow on youtube:   

any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!


0T6A9640.dng 0T6A9641.dng 0T6A9642.dng

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With the Moon or planets the aim is to get as many frames as you can, by video or taking many stills. You can then stack them using something like registax or astrostakkert. These from the images or videos loaded take the best frames when atmospheric distortions are low to create a final image. This final image can then be further tweaked.

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you say partial eclipse does that  mean each frame was a different % of eclipse? in which case I don't think you would stack those together as the image content is moving. Do the individual dng files looks grey or pink?

Edited by happy-kat
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Good questions!   The photos are all from the same time period (seconds apart)…….did some burst shots as I was hoping to try and stack.  The photos are not pink/grey when viewed on their own…….which is why I’m confused about them turning pink when PIPP gets involved.  Somehow, I feel like the fact that part of the moon is still white and the rest is red/orange……PIPP is trying to merge those Color’s and ends up turning things pink in the process 

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