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Heron galaxy and friends


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for my first post here an image from last month, shot from my garden in the suburbs of Paris (Bortle 7/8) with my 200/800 newtonian (details below).

The most interesting object is a pair of interacting spiral galaxies in Canes Venatici, NGC 5394/95  or Arp 84, also known as the Heron Galaxy, 107 millions l.y. from us. The field contains also the barred spiral NGC5378 on the right and, in between, the lenticular galaxy NGC5380.


Here is the full-res image


and a crop on the heron:



Thanks for looking,




Technical details:

200/800 custom carbon imaging Newtonian with Romano Zen optics

TS Wynne-Riccardi 2.5" coma corrector

AZEQ6 mount

ASI183mm+ZWO LRGB filters

Guiding with ZWO OAG + ASI120mm +ASIAIR

Luminance : 229*60sec, gain 111, -10°C

Chrominance : 30*60sec each R and B channel, gain 111, -10°C, synthetic G

Darks, flats, synthetic offset

Preprocessing and stack with Siril, processing with PI and Rawtherapee

Conditions : light pollution (Bortle 7/8), average seeing and transparency, first quarter moon.


Edited by Dan_Paris
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