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What else do I need? (Autoguiding/Power)

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Hey Guys,

I have just ordered my autoguiding setup, very excited to finally get started with it. I have purchased the;

- ASIair Plus

- ZWO mini guide scope 30 mm f4

- ZWO ASI 120MM Mini USB 2.0

To go with my current setup;

- WO Z73 (430mm)

- EQ6 - R Pro

- Powapacs Atom Pro 26Ah 

(Link to the Powapacs for full specs - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/powapacs-atom-pro-26ah.html)

I have a few questions about getting all the new equipment into my current set up.

1. How should I go about attaching the guide scope to my telescope? I do not have accessories capable of attaching it at the moment, and I also have a slight issue with one of the 'Knobs' on the scope (see image) where one of the springs has collapsed on it self, preventing me from moving one of the rings (Its really stuck!)



2. Powering the ASIair Plus. My current 23Ah powerbank only has one 12v cigarette outlet which I use for the mount. How should I go about powering the ASIair too?



Sorry for the basic questions, want to be sure I am ordering the right bits and bobs before going ahead :D 

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How are you powering the DSLR?

With the above equipment it is possible to power the AAP from the powerbank and then the mount from the AAP as you are within it's capabilities.  But once you start thinking of using the AAP power outs for dew heaters or powered/cooled cameras then a second supply is likely to be needed.

I was just about to post a link to the WO handle as that should work as a guide scope mount.

You have a USB port on your mount which should let you connect to the AAP directly with a USB Type A Male to B Male printer cable. Otherwise get an eqmod cable  - your not likely to want the handset connected when astro-imaging.


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1 hour ago, StevieDvd said:

How are you powering the DSLR?

With the above equipment it is possible to power the AAP from the powerbank and then the mount from the AAP as you are within it's capabilities.  But once you start thinking of using the AAP power outs for dew heaters or powered/cooled cameras then a second supply is likely to be needed.

I was just about to post a link to the WO handle as that should work as a guide scope mount.

You have a USB port on your mount which should let you connect to the AAP directly with a USB Type A Male to B Male printer cable. Otherwise get an eqmod cable  - your not likely to want the handset connected when astro-imaging.


Thank you stevie, I did not realise the mount could be powered via the AAP!

I have rechargeable batteries for the DSLR, no powerbank required.

I have USB Dew heater that I can either plug straight into the bank, but I also have two small 'mobile charging banks' with USB ports that I can use too, so dew heaters do not require powerbank at the moment 

But, I will be adding a ZWO ASI 294 mc cooled camera soon. So I might have to look at adding more power to the system...There is always something, eh? :D 

Guide scope arrives tomorrow, will see if I can get it hooked up!

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There’s some discussion here about powering things via the AAP, including an excerpt from the manual with diagram which says they don’t recommend powering mounts via the AAP.

btw the foot of your guide scope should slot straight into the top grab handle of your Z73, then just tighten a screw to hold in place.

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Thank you herne!

I think I have a plan for the setup.

My Powapacs Atom Pro 26Ah has one 12v cigarette output which I am currently using for the EQ6, all good there.

It also has a 'household' 3 pin socket on the side, just above the 'cigarette' output see image;



If I am not mistaken, I can buy this;


to plug into this;


which enables the AAP to plug into the 3 pin socket pictured above. From there, both guide cam and eventual new astro cam can be powered from the AAP.

This way the mount and AAP are powered independently from the same bank. 


Not sure how long a 23Ah can keep all that running (with the new cooled camera added) but if I am not being dumb, this is at least a way/safe way of powering everything?


cheers guys

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Contacted FLO who confirmed my plan of action above was all good.

Guide scope arrived earlier.


I have attached it by sliding it into the handle and festening two screws to clamp it in place. 


Do you think this is enough? There is another fitting for a screw on the base of the guide scope that I could feed a screw down through the scope into the handle from above, but I do not have the correct size screw for that.

Guide cam arrives tomorrow, AAP should be another week or two hopefully.

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ZWO 120mm mini arrived today;



I read that the black extension tube that comes fitted and should be kept on, and it should be inserted into the ZWO 30F4 Miniscope until the red part of the camera 'just' creeps into the guide scope, which should allow me to focus.




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I have that camera in an SVBony equivalent of the ZWO guider scope (though the mounting is a little different) and focused during the day on a far object to get a close to the focus for a guide session. It does need the camera to be on slightly inserted with the 1.25" nosepiece just visible.

If you try it with a daylight session you'll get a good idea of the settings needed.





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