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EQ-5 Collision

Cosmic Geoff

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I had an odd event with my EQ-5 Synscan last night. I was using it to image EEVA-style some galaxies in Coma Berenices, east of the meridian. All good till I commanded it to find one with an azimuth of over 170 degrees (i.e. just east of the meridian), and a lower altutude.

The mount proceeded to do  a meridian flip, and I did not realise anything was wrong till I found that stars on the laptop screen continued to trail, accompanied by some odd noises. Eventually I spotted the problem with the aid of a torch - the declination motor, now on the east side and below the declination axis, was colliding with a couple of connectors on the fixed box on the east side of the mount. 

I recovered it by commanding it to go to another object. The mount continued to function, but now needing a platesolve & resync to find objects. Anyway, it was now aiming on the other side of the meridian from the two alignment stars.

I have been using the mount for over a year and have never had this happen before. I thought this kind of thing couldn't happen. And why did the mount flip itself before reaching the trigger point of 180.0 deg azimuth? And what can I do to stop it happening again, other than keeping a wary eye on what it's doing?



Edited by Cosmic Geoff
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I'm only visual but a similar thing happens with the Dec motor getting in the way around the meridian. If I know I'm going to be pointing around that position I spin the Dec round 180 deg so the motor is on the other side. Don't know how that would effect goto mounts, probably have to do a re-alignment.

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