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help needed about T-ring and other adapters for photography....

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hello everyone,

im very new here so i hope i post in the right category...

I am trying to make my first steps in astro photography and its a bit confusing with all those options and formats on the "adaptor rings" topic....

So, right now my set up is :

- celestron Nexstar 127SLT

- sony DSLR alpha 350

- two Baader hyperion eye pieces


So.... a few days ago I ordered and received a T-ring adaptor my sony Alpha, its a "prime focus" type. So what i have now is a ring "camera lens style" to attach to the camera, and then an... (sorry i dont really know the name of things and pieces) "adaptor" that I screw on the T-ring having the same size as a standard optic piece. This allows me to attach the camera directly at the bottom of the telescope.

(visible here https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B092PH4XBD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1.   )

This would be my option 1 which is for the moment operational....


However, I would be interested in having my 2 Baader Hyperion eye pieces joining the party and I have seen online its possible to connect them to the T-ring on the camera , replacing the prime focus option. However, to attach them to the T-Ring, you obviously need another adapter since the eye-piece is not fitting in the t-ring directly.


So, my question is, what is the name/specs of this second ring adapter that I should buy to connect the eye piece to the T-ring ? A link to the product that would solve my case is also welcome ;)


Thanks in advance for the help.



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hello Michael, thanks for your answer.

If im not mistaken this would not work for my case unfortunately because the Baader optics are not standard size , as a tube, but are thicker and wider more like a barrel. The top plastic eye protector part can be removed and a thread can be used to attach to a ring. 

I found a rather old video on youtube with a process similar to what i want to do, but i could not find yet the matching adapters ...


Its quite the jungle out there on the Baader website in the "accessories" section and it doesnt help when sizes are given in inches....


so yeah, i basically need to find just an extra ring to go from T-ring to eyepiece...

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