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I had some good seeing for a while on the evening of 7th.  I observed with the Tecnosky 102ED F7 on the Scopetech Mount.

In the N there was great broken detail in the rims of Aristoteles, Eudoxus and Alexander as the sunlight started to illuminate them.

Further S the 'Spread Eagle'  was showing well.  This is not a named feature of course, but a group of features which with the right illumination combine to form what to me has long resembled the shape of an eagle, with its wings spread broadly. Menelaus forms the head, the Haemus Mtns the left wing and mountains spreading out towards Plinius the right wing.  The eagle's talons clutching Julius Caesar.  Well, you need a little imagination 😊.

The single frame below, with three crops taken from it, were taken with the Olympus E-M5 Mk11 at 21.18pm.  The first crop shows the crater rims, the second the Spread Eagle towards the N, and the third the Southern Highlands down to the cusp.









Edited by paulastro
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6 hours ago, mikeDnight said:

Gorgeous pic's Paul! And not a Tak in sight!! :thumbsup:

Thanks Mike.  There actually was a Tak in sight, the telescope was mounted on the Teegul mount 😆.

Edited by paulastro
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