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M3 & NGC3718


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Had to do a bit of cloud dodging last night and I only had about 3 hours of imaging time. With it looking like the last clear night for a while (weather & work wise) I wanted to get a couple of targets done.

I'm not normally one for target hopping, but needs must, so I didn't get the time on each target that I would have liked but here's what I got:

First I had a go at NGC 3718, a new target for me and one I'll go back too later. I got 1h 21m of 180s exposures with the ASI294MC Pro at gain 200 & offset 30. I went for the 200 gain on this as a bit of an experiment, to see how it differed from my normal 120 gain, and it wasn't too back given the time on target.

Second, I got 32 minutes on M3 at the same camera settings (only one set of flats required ;) )

Both were stacked in DSS & processed with PI, with a final tweak with Topaz De-Noise AI.

C's & C's welcomed, as always.



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1 hour ago, DaveS said:

Impressed that you've got so much of the tidal structure in NGC 3718, those are *very* faint and a real test.

Thanks Dave,

I think it's the advantage of no Moon and Bortle 2 skies. The only filter I used was a Astronomik L-2 UV+IR cut filter on the camera.

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