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M101 Mosaic Madness


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Who attempts a 4 panel mosaic of M101 at 1" per pixel when there is an 88% illuminated moon at the zenith? Guilty as charged m'lord. I wanted to get a wider FOV for this galaxy than the Esprit 150/ASI 178 can deliver in a single image so I went for 4 panels capturing 30 x 2 mins L and 10 x 2 mins each on RGB. As you might expect the quality was not great, especially the first panel which shows itself in the bottom RH quarter of the image. I boosted most of the galaxy with 10 hrs of historic Luminance captured on the same set up with the galaxy centered. 

Still as noisy as hell, as usual with my efforts, but at least I have some clear sky around most of the galaxy. 

Calibrated and stacked in APP, mosaic combined in APP, processed in APP, PI and AP.

Thanks for looking.


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