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Advice on Setup.

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I am getting back to astronomy after a multi-decade hiatus.  Currently, I have a Celestron 8se for the scope (including a wedge.)  Also, I have finished two functional Cam86 cameras (long story on why two), an automated focuser a la Brown's "My Focuser Pro", and a functional Asroberry server on a RRPI4 with GPS.  I am comfortable with electronics and linux system and generally avoid Windows -- hence the Astroberry.

I am now transitioning from building to using the equipment.  My current goal is to integrate this system with a workflow stating with plate solving to calibrate the telescope's GOTO function.  I know others have been down this path and I am hoping to get some advice on setting up this workflow.  

Any tips are greatly appreciated.


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5 hours ago, JackG said:

 My current goal is to integrate this system with a workflow stating with plate solving to calibrate the telescope's GOTO function.

I use an RPi too... If you are unfamiliar with Kstars/Ekos do a bit of reading up and try it out using the simulators.

I tend to run Kstars on my laptop (linux) and connect to RPi where I just run the indiserver +drivers.

My workflow is: setup mount, polar align using the polarscope on my HEQ5Pro mount, attach scope, adjust focus (I dont have autofocuser). Optional - run polar alignment assistant in Ekos. Select object and do alignment (ie. platesolve). (You dont really need to calibrate the mount as everytime you do an alignment it uses that data and refines the mount model.) Capture image to check if all is well. So depending on object I get scheduler to do the align, track, guide, capture. I use PHD2 on RPi or the internal guider. have created a set of sequences in Ekos for 30s, 60s & 120s so I can choose right combination for each object.

Good luck.

Edited by AstroMuni
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Look on you tube for stellarmate, kstars, ekos, astroberry etc

Jasem Mutlaq has done several series of use, breaking it down into bite sized sections.. never used it but looks very good.. so if you would rather use Linux then it's perfect for the job

Edited by Same old newbie alert
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