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Recommendations for Pixinsight tutorials

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I finally took the plunge and downloaded the trial of Pixinsight. Having heard SO much about how powerful it is, I thought it was about time I gave it a spin.

The interface is pretty intimidating and so I'd be really grateful for some recommendations as to the best video tutorials out there (which start from zero).


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Obviously there are lots of youtube videos some of which are very good, some less so.  However, the thing with PI is that you really need to learn in a structured way.  I tend to learn through experience and dipping into things as and when I need them but this isn't ideal for something like PI.  You really have to get to grips with the interface and the way the tools function and this needs a more meticulous approach.  I have pasted linkis to Light Vortex Astronomy which provides this sort of approach and is well thought out.  Adam Blocks Fundamentals is very good but Adam's videos do then to send me to sleep.  He goes into great details about everything and you have to go at his pace ie slowly.



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57 minutes ago, MartinB said:

Obviously there are lots of youtube videos some of which are very good, some less so.  However, the thing with PI is that you really need to learn in a structured way.  I tend to learn through experience and dipping into things as and when I need them but this isn't ideal for something like PI.  You really have to get to grips with the interface and the way the tools function and this needs a more meticulous approach.  I have pasted linkis to Light Vortex Astronomy which provides this sort of approach and is well thought out.  Adam Blocks Fundamentals is very good but Adam's videos do then to send me to sleep.  He goes into great details about everything and you have to go at his pace ie slowly.



Thanks so much! I am like you in that I tend to dip in and out of things. This has worked fine in the past for things like learning Photoshop and NINA etc. But I get the sense that PI is an entire 'concept' and so would ideally benefit from a structured approach. I'll give the Light Vortex videos a try.

My very first action in PI has not been promising. It seems to open Canon .CR2 raw files as completely black! The only way is up from here 🤣

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