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NGC2903 in Leo


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This is a re-process of an image I took last year, having since learned how to do it a bit better 🙂 1h 42m 102x 60s at iso 1600. Evostar 80ED, Canon EOS 500D, on AVX unguided. 

Starnet++ helped a lot!

Below how it was.



NGC2903 1hr 42m iso 1600 102 frames FINAL.AI.png


Edited by Laurieast
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22 minutes ago, DaveS said:

Yep, looking very much better and with some good detail coming through.

Are you going to try adding more data this Galaxy Season?

Thanks very much 🙂
The detail on yours is far better!
I'm planning if the infernal weather ever permits to start over with an Explorer 150p and Asi 224mc and maybe a .95 coma corrector to open up the FOV a bit. (and use PHD2 now I figured it out!)

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