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Skywatcher EQ5 dual axis motor drive upgrade handset repair? plugged in 12V rather than 6V!


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Hi All

I wondered on the off chance whether anyone is familiar with the internal circuitry on these handsets? Whilst not concentrating I plugged in my 12V power supply rather than the 6V supply and have properly killed it! I briefly took the top of and nothing obvious to the eye. Before I set about further probing with multimeters etc. I wondered if anyone had experienced this before and knew if there was any protection in there (blown diode or similar) There doesn't even look like there is any basic voltage regulation from my cursory look and if the 12V is just applied directly to the pins of the chips  then I'll probably be wasting my time investigating. So before I do I'd be grateful if anyone knows if I be wasting my time and I'll take the plunge and buy a new one.







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If you could take the cover off and upload some pictures if the board inside it might help... Bristol Cameras have these listed for £105 at the moment so not cheap, but not expensive to replace.

Over voltage and reverse polarity protection seem to be something Synta overlooked when developing their mounts and handsets 


Interesting -- that image has been used before in this thread   🤔

Edited by malc-c
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Googling the net I came across this image

2016-09-23 11.23.25.jpg


The processor is an LG 8bit - 4k rom device running at 12 mhz.  The sad news is the L in the part number means its designed to operate at 2.7v - 3.6v, and as there doesn't appear to be any obvious regulation, other than the small 8 pin X25045P device which results in no matches when searched.... Unless there is something being obscured under the wires.  However, if either of these parts have been blown they are not something readily available, and in the case of the main processor, the firmware is not readily available.  

Best advice - buy a new one, and put this down to experience.  I bet in future you will be more careful when plugging in multiple power supplies

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Thanks both. yes I opened it up and doesn't look like much in the way of protection (nothing). Looks like the IC's have popped. Looks like I'll have to buy a new one. £75 for a new enhanced handset so not the end of the world and yes I shall be more carful in the future.


There does look to be a lot of space inside so I might pop in a 7806 3 pin voltage regulator IC and then I can run it on 12V which would be more convenient.


And as luck would have it someone has just advertised one in the for sale section! Great timing!

Edited by Sponcom
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