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Cable tidy / management...how have you done yours?

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Hi All,

With my mini pc, DIY autofocuser, DIY powerbox and ASI183MC camera on my scope I want to cable them all up as neatly as possible with just a single power cable running up the tripod. I'm looking for ideas as to how to cable everything up as neatly as possible. I'll be making my own power cables and will buy whatever USB cable lengths needed to keep things as short as possible. I can also design and 3D print any clips, etc. needed.



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I use snake skin, also known as wire loom.  I route my two heater wires into it and fix it to the scope with stick on wire clamps.  It works pretty well 

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Get yourself some nice long reels of Velcro, and some Velcro sticky-back hook tape.

The sticky-back tape can be used to anchor stuff directly - e.g. my Raspberry Pi, power distribution box, and temperature sensors all use that method. You can also take that long non-sticky-backed stuff, and wrap a loop tightly around the tube. This can rotate and move slightly but in practice won't shift about much, and you can use the sticky-backed stuff to anchor if needed. You can then add additional strips of velcro onto this loop to retain cables and so on. Bundle up cables with more velcro strips.

The Velcro approach is great because it's infinitely flexible and allows for motion along the cable assembly. It's also cheap as chips, super easy to adjust, and (largely) non-permanent, especially if you avoid the sticky-backed stuff.

On bigger scopes, it's worth having permanently fixed anchors - either adhesive or bolt mounted cable tie anchors are a good start.

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13 hours ago, dazzystar said:

Thanks. Any pics?

I went out and took this.  Hope it helps.  I do need to add a couple fasteners to straighten up the heater to the laser, and I need some small zip ties to go around the snake skin, but it does a nice job containing the wires and it helps protect them from the elements.


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I guess I am the "black sheep" but I prefer to not put everything on top of the telescope.  It is easier to protect my electronics from dew by placing it on the tripod or pier and it reduces the "sail area" of the OTA when the wind blows.   It looks less messy too.  (^8

I use "cable braid" to make a flexible bundle of all the cables and then attach one end to the scope and the other to the tripod leg or pier using "buckle ties". 

My $.02

AT10RC cable mgt-1.JPG

Buckle Ties-002.jpg

Cable Braid-2.JPG

SS15028HNT AP900-SRO-9.JPG

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