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California Nebula (NGC 1499/Sh2-220) 10hrs - Chroma 3nm Ha - 'finished'!


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A continuation of this previous thread, but with the addition of 10 more 20 min subs - making this my longest time spent imaging through 1 filter on a target. Would have hoped to have had at least one clear night whilst on annual leave over the festive period.... probably come on the night of the first day back!

I think we're getting into the land of diminishing returns (although the extra time added has helped to reduce the noise in the darker regions as well as bringing out new nebulosity), so whenever the next clear night does arrive, it'll be time to move the filter wheel on... or if the moon is out, centre on a different target!

Spent a bit longer on this process this evening after dinner (a lot of time finding the 'best' way to reintroduce the star field without introducing a dark halo or sharp edge to the stars as per my previous go), plus trying to maximise the detail without bringing out too much noise, nor using excessive noise reduction... I think it still retains that 'film grain' look, so pleased with the balance here.

31x 1200 seconds, Chroma 50mm unmounted 3nm Ha, Dark and flat frame calibrated (aligned/stacked in APP). FSQ106ED @ f/5 - Atik 16200M (running at -20ºC)

Processed solely in Ps (no Topaz) and stand-a-lone StarNet++ on OSX.


Do the clicky thing for the full size jpeg (slight crop after stacking)


Edited by TakMan
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  • TakMan changed the title to California Nebula (NGC 1499/Sh2-220) 10hrs - Chroma 3nm Ha - 'finished'!

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