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Custom foam inserts for Skytee-2 storage bag


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Hello all, 

I recently purchased the TS-Optics medium mount bag in which to store my Skytee-2 when it's not in use. The bag is padded with around 15mm of foam, but knew prior to purchasing that I'd need to add some more, so for around 10eur I purchased a block of 12cm thick foam and got to work. 



First, I made some measurements of the bag and mount, and figured out roughly how big and where each cut would need to be. 

The first piece to cut was for the bottom of the bag to give additional padding for the top of the mount, as the mount goes in upside down for stability. Turns out a sharp bread knife was the most successful tool, as it does not tear the foam. 



As the mount is obviously an asymmetrical T shape, I then needed two individual cuboid pieces for either side. These then also needed various cutouts for the different protruding mount parts such as the lip at the base and slow motion control knobs. This was a bit tricky in places but actually easier than expected! Not as neat I would like but still more than fit for purpose. 



Finally, a little bit of adjustment here and there but everything fits pretty much perfectly and the mount is much better protected! After a few days of everything in the bag I think everything will mould into shape as well to provide and even better fit. 


Edited by badhex
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