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ZWO Camera limiting number of frames captured

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Hi I have a ZWOASI178 Camera and I noticed tonight that when I select more than 50 frames they are limited. In other words if I select 100 frames to capture, only 63 are captured. For 200, 73 are saved 1000 163, 2000 I think 271, 3000 captured 465.. ( hopefully got that accurate) the numbers are consistent each time. If I select timed exposure no problem. No error messages are reported. I have tried uninstalling and re installing the drvers and ASICAP software with no luck. Is it a software bug? I'm confused. No frames are indictated to have been lost. The % bar moves through to a point then suddenly zips to the end and saves what is there.


Edited by Robbie4clearskies
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The speed of the storage space shouldn't matter, it should still keep going until it has saved the desired number of frames (A while ago I was doing some planetary with an old, slowwww HDD - the software dropped more frames than it saved, but it never stopped capturing until the target number of frames had been saved).

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