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USB 3.0 Extension Cable Problem Asi 224mc Help!

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Hi All, 

I can connect my Asi 224mc to the laptop with the supplied USB 3.0 A to B cable to the single 2.0 or either of the 3.0 ports in my Dell Inspiron and all ok, if I introduce this extension cable it will only work on the USB 2.0 port, both 3.0 ports report device not recognised. I wanted a 5 metre extension.


The Asi 120 mm works ok with the same extension cable on all ports.

Either I'm doing something dumb (not unusual)

Or I need a different/Better extension cable.

Thanks for any insight, suggestions!

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That's because USB cable length is limited depending on standard : AFAIK 3-5m for USB2 and 2-3m for USB3, as there's a drop in voltage with length the SnR for high frequencies is too low and doesn't allow high bandwidth of USB3. Hence the behaviour you observed.

But that's only the case with dumb cables such as the one you point. With active cables you can reach longer length as the signal is repeated and stronger (at the price of power usage, and a bit of latency and bandwidth). So if you really want to try 5m with USB3 you need to buy an active cable.

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Adding to @rotatux comments

No not doing something dumb.
USB accessory & lead sellers mislead us.

USB leads are intended for short point to point communication.
The high speed data transfer means the cable must be constructed correctly - not just any old bit of wire.
Another big potential for problems is every joint/connector.
This is why some cables work and others don't.

Unless you have extenders/drivers/active cables intended for long cable runs, regard 5M as the limit on USB2 and try to do it with one lead - no joints.

HTH, David.

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It should work, however long USB cables are a bit of a gamble sometimes. I had a project (astro unrelated) long ago and found that some active cables work while others don't. The usual solution that works really well is the more expensive wireless control options where you have short cables scopeside and control the thing from elsewhere wirelessly.

But you dont actually need the zwo asiair to do that, you can use any other type of mini-pc to do the same thing and some options are a lot cheaper. Raspberry pi running stellarmate or a cheap windows 10 mini-pc running anything you want are also options. The ZWO asiair really only has ease of use in favour against the alternatives, since you are limited to only ever using ZWO products with them. ZWO products also can carry a price premium so you would end up saving a lot of money going the other routes.

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