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Finally got some "clear" nights to finish this one.  Had to drop to 60 sec lum as the background is just to light for decent luminance.  60 sec was even pushing it.  

C11 Edge .7x reducer and ASI 1600.  Almost 16 hours.  of 120 sec subs.  I collected 15 minutes of 10 sec subs in each RGB channel to try and recover the star cores.  I think I need to use 5 sec subs.  Not too bad, considering.   This version is unbinned.    Targets like this make me understand just how special dark sky sites with sub arcsec seeing would be.  Meanwhile, imaging through pea soup it is.


Edited by Rodd
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Very nice Galaxy Rod.

I just used @vlaiv method of replacing some over exposed pixels on a test stack of 3 minute exposures I took at 100 gain with my 2600 mc pro. The short stack were 1 second exposures but even then I had 2/3 pixels that were still clipped. Even so the stars in the overall image were much better. I’m going to image at zero gain from now on due to my light pollution which will improve things further I think.

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