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Going on a 8 night road trip

robbie c

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Well we haven’t had a holiday this year or last so the wife said let’s do a Rd trip as all we’ve done is work

and as I’ve never been to Scotland and Sue has  several times she said let’s do a road trip to Scotland.

So we leave the south coast tomorrow heading north, not going to do the drive in one go stopping first in the

Peak District for 1 night then lake Windermere before heading for Fort Augustus at the south end of Loch Ness.

Next day driving up the length of Loch Ness to lnverness for a two night stay before heading down to Edinburgh 

then back down to the Peak District then last stop the Cotswolds before heading back home. I’m taking my bins

and camera as I might be  extremely lucky and get a break in the clouds (fingers, toes, and everything else crossed)

but not only that if anyone knows of any interesting things or places to see please feel free to let me know.



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