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Some more galaxies from our dark site.


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Last batch of sketches of our last observing weekend: 


This lovely trio is seen in Delphinus, at mag 15.4, NGC 6927 is the faintest one there. The brightning at the tip of NGC 6930 could be due to UGC 11590, but at mag 16.1, it was doubtful and I didn't annotate it as seen. 



This little, round galaxy was spotted during starhopping.  I liked the field of stars it is seen in, so decided to sketch it. At mag 13.99, this is no easy target. 

Very comet-like appearance!



Next is a lovely galaxy which should give nice detail in photographs. I saw at least one arm extending towards a star. 



The top one of the night: NGC 7479, the Superman Galaxy. I waited for good seeing to sketch this, the amount of detail seen was a lot more than on the other nights. 

It was still quite low, sadly, so it might give even more details higher up in the sky - or from lower latitudes. 




That's it for now; next up: La Palma. If they let us leave, that is. 

Thanks for watching! 

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I make a raw sketch at the eyepiece, and then redo it at home. Both on white paper, then scan, invert and do some digital work to flatten the background or make some stars brighter or fluffier. 

for example: 

proper sketch - raw scan:



digital result:



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