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Takahashi and Binoviewers

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I frequently use WO Binoviewers with my Tak 100DC. I need the 1.6 GPC on the scope side of the diagonal to achieve focus (so I can't use my much loved Tak diagonal - it has no thread). I also use the x2 GPC (if that's the right term) on the nose of the Binoviewers for higher power viewing. 

I'm just wondering if anyone uses a different arrangement?

I find the attachment of the diagonal to the ocular adapter a less than perfect connection. It's hard to get it really secure. It's a SW dielectric diagonal.



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Highburymark's suggestion of removing the section ahead of the focuser is your best option but part of the problem is that your SkyWatcher mirror diagonal will have a much longer optical path than your excellent little Tak prism. I had a similar problem trying to use my StellaMira mirror diagonal with my FS-60CB / FC-76DCU and I ended up using the entry level Baader T-2 prism. I attached a nosepiece which has a 1.25" thread but I could probably have threaded it onto the scope directly using an appropriate adaptor.

Edited by Andrew_B
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8 hours ago, Highburymark said:

You know you can unscrew the green section ahead of the focuser to shorten the light path for binoviewers? Makes things more flexible. Pic shows FC-100DC with sectioned removed next to TSA-120. 


That's an interesting suggestion thanks. If I unscrewed the focuser for binoviewer use, would that then require extra bits to extend the light path if I wanted to use a conventional eyepiece with the focuser removed?

Many thanks,


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4 hours ago, Andrew_B said:

Highburymark's suggestion of removing the section ahead of the focuser is your best option but part of the problem is that your SkyWatcher mirror diagonal will have a much longer optical path than your excellent little Tak prism. I had a similar problem trying to use my StellaMira mirror diagonal with my FS-60CB / FC-76DCU and I ended up using the entry level Baader T-2 prism. I attached a nosepiece which has a 1.25" thread but I could probably have threaded it onto the scope directly using an appropriate adaptor.

Thanks for that. Coincidentally I had just ordered the Baader prism so I'll give that a go.


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On 24/09/2021 at 08:18, MalcolmM said:

That's an interesting suggestion thanks. If I unscrewed the focuser for binoviewer use, would that then require extra bits to extend the light path if I wanted to use a conventional eyepiece with the focuser removed?

Many thanks,


Late replying to this, apologies.

I think most conventional eyepieces still come to focus with the shortened tube. One thing though - If you’re swapping around from one ep to binoviewers regularly, you might need to adjust the balancing of the tube a bit - I had a heavy pair of binoviewers, and as you know the OTA is incredibly light. Good thing about the Tak tube clamps is they make adjustments easy

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