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A Fine Sampling Of Carbon Stars

Epick Crom

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Hi my fellow stargazers! Slightly hazy conditions and the presence of the waxing gibbous moon meant I dedicated the nights observing to carbon stars.Those deep red stars are always a sight to behold! The following are my notes from last night using my 10 inch reflector:

Gibbous Moon: I focused on the Sinus Iridium region. Promontorium Laplace was outstanding, casting a prominent shadow. The isolated mountain Mons La Hire in Mare Imbrium looked great as well.

DY Crucis: CRUX. Affectionately know as "Ruby Crucis", this stunning red carbon star shows a grand contrast to blue Mimosa  (Beta Crucis) in the same field. 

UX Centauri: CENTAURUS   

A wonderful red carbon star set in a beautiful field.

V Aquilae: AQUILA

Lovely deep red colour, lies close to the planetary NGC 6751. 


A double carbon star! I was unable to split it though. There is a faint unrelated field star quite close by. A nice sight 

HK Lyrae: LYRA

Beautiful carbon star situated at the end of a line of similar magnitude stars. Exquisite!

Despite the hazy conditions, I had a very enjoyable time hunting and observing those beautiful carbon stars as well as the gibbous moon. The moonlight seemed to enhance the magical red colours of the carbon stars. Thanks for reading!




Edited by Epick Crom
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