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Double Hunting in Taurus

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Finally got a clear night last night and went out with my target list from Taurus. After a while I realised I may have been a little optimistic of my navigational skill because Taurus is quite spread out. A little disapointed, I noticed that two of my targets were in the Pleiades and even I can find that :(. It's a lovely sight and I spent a fair while just looking around admiring the view. Of my two targets, I found STF 449, but could not find STF 450 which is odd because the latter is the brighter of the two. I also found another one which Catrtes informs me has the romantic name WDS S 437 AB-C.

Glad to have seen a double or two, I went after 118 Tauri more in hope than expectation. After a couple of tries hopping from the nearest bright stars I found it...I think! I couldn't remember it's details but wrote down that the it was quite tight and about 200 degrees. Looking it up when I came in revealed it should be 4.8" and 204 degrees...good enough for me.

To round the evening off, i had a look at Castor and Algieba and split them both nicely, but couldn't split that pesky snowman.

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