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Sky guider pro

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I'm just looking for advice regarding a few issues with the SGP surrounding it's capabilites in relation to my equipment, and advice on future upgrades.

I am new to AP, only been imaging for a few weeks and I currently use a WO Z73 (which is 430mm focal length, f/5.9 I believe) + a field flattener and astro modded Canon 600D, currently unguided. I believe my collective weight comes to about 3.8KG - 4KG/5KG payload capacity as recommended.

The first query I'd love some advice on is what kind of exposure times do you think this set up should be capable of before star trails become apparent? Anybody else had experience?

I have read a lot of conflicting information from various sources online. I personally started with 3 minute exposures, while I thought they were OK initially...closer inspection revealed some pretty prominent star trail, not sure if that is related to newbie PA or simply not possible without guiding. I believe my 60 second exposures are considerably better by comparison at the moment and that has become my default as of now.

I have seen people saying that the SGP is outright not capable of holding a scope like the Z73, or that you will be restricted to 30-60 subs at most. Similarly, some have stated that they have managed 2-3 minute subs un guided and 4+ with guiding . It is hard to know what I should be striving for xD 

My second query is planing out the future of my gear, I am in a position as a student that I do not have a lot of money spare and I do not currently own a car, hence my chosing my current set up. relatively cheap, able to carry up hills etc as I can not do 'backyard astrophotography'. So I am quite keen to avoid using laptops, and possibly large power banks for additional equipment.

I am torn between focusing on upgrading the mount to a traditional GOTO sometime in the new year after I get a good few months under my belt at my current basic level, but then being quite restricted in travelling with it, v's the other route of purchasing a lightweight autoguiding system run with an asiairpro.

Which do you guys think makes more sense as a next step?

Would the auto guiding with an asiairpro require me to upgrade my current mini power bank (It's basically a portable phone charger that is currently powering my dew heater) to a larger power bank?

I realise these are quite 'messy' questions with lots of variables, but I would love some input/direction from experienced members to help me plan ahead and set goals :)

Cheers guys 

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1 hour ago, Iem1 said:

The first query I'd love some advice on is what kind of exposure times do you think this set up should be capable of before star trails become apparent? Anybody else had experience?

Hi lem, I am using a Skyguider pro and a WO ZS61. The best I can get out of it reliably without guiding is 90 seconds.


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5 hours ago, Astro Noodles said:

Hi lem, I am using a Skyguider pro and a WO ZS61. The best I can get out of it reliably without guiding is 90 seconds.


Thanks for the reply.

Yeah, I would guess with the Z73 ~60 seconds is about right then as its 430mm and a bit more unforgiving. 

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